Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority Serving Bucks, Chester, Delaware, Montgomery, and Philadelphia Counties

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Elevator Status

Accessible stations feature elevator(s) to give customers the freedom to ride. Sometimes, unforseen issues arise and an elevator is temporarily taken out of service. When this occurs, the elevator status notifies customers which service and station may be affected and provides alternative travel options to neighboring stations or platforms. Information on this page is updated daily and also may be heard through our 24-hour elevator status hotline at 877.737.8248.

Market Frankford Line

StationElevatorTravel ImpactAlternate Service
46th St Eastbound
  • No access to/from station
46th St
52nd St Eastbound
  • No access to/from station
52nd St

Trolley Lines

StationElevatorTravel ImpactAlternate Service
15th Street Trolley Dilworth Park - North End (Street to Concourse to Westbound)
  • No access to/from westbound platform or the concourse on the north end
15th Street Trolley

Regional Rail

StationElevatorTravel ImpactAlternate Service
Jefferson Station Street to Tracks 3 & 4 via Concourse
(12th & Filbert)
  • No access to/from station & concourse - A Section
Jefferson Station
Chester Transportation Center Outbound
  • No access to/from onbound platform (From Center City)
Chester Transportation Center
Wilmington Inbound
  • No access to/from inbound platform (service to Center City)